Private & Family Law
The notary office for all your family affairs
Meijer Notarissen specializes in international personal and family law. The section for everything that needs to be arranged within a family and between friends. Living together, getting married, divorcing and also dying have not only emotional but also legal and financial consequences. This results in numerous activities that must be performed by the notary because of legal certainty or because of the specific expertise.
Wedding conditions
With wedding conditions you can decide which assets and debts you share and which are personal. In this way, assets that arise during your marriage can remain yours.
Cohabitation contract
In contrast to married couples and registered partners, the law regulates little to nothing for cohabiting couples. Recording your agreements is called a cohabitation contract or cohabitation agreement.
Partnership terms
You decide to enter into a registered partnership with each other. There is also a business side to this joyous event. You make a commitment together. It is good to think about this.
Authority and guardianship
When you have a child together, that is a particularly beautiful moment in your life. Despite the fact that you do not immediately think of all kinds of business matters, it is wise to ask yourself if you have arranged everything properly.
There are many people who want to decide themselves to whom they want to leave their money and things. That is what a will is meant for. This is a notarial deed in which you indicate what you want your estate to be done upon your death.
During the grieving process after death, emotions are often decisive in thinking and acting. Then it is good if the estate / inheritance is well described in advance and is divided according to the wishes of the deceased.
Estate planning
Estate planning comprises the complete planning of every aspect that is associated with your estate. The purpose of estate planning is to transfer an accumulated capital as economically as possible to heirs.
Inheritance law
When you are asked for a so-called ‘certificate of inheritance’, the intervention of a notary is required. At such a moment it is good if the inheritance is well described in advance (and divided) according to the wishes of the deceased.