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mr C. Hagendijk

mr C. Hagendijk - Meijer Notarissen


Studied from 1993 to 1999 Dutch law in Groningen. Joined Mr. M.J. Meijer cs, notarissen in June 2000, initially as a legal assistant in the Corporate Law section. In 2002 she started in her spare time the study notarial law at the University of Amsterdam. From September 2004 to 2011 she worked as junior notary. As of January 1, 2012 appointed as notary and succeed A.A. van Berge. Since October 2015 she was appointed as successor to mr R.J.C. van Helden.

Practice Areas

Family practice, real estate and corporate law.

Additional Activities

Is mother of two children and active board member of the foundation Stichting Vrienden van de Nieuwe Kerk, except that in the summer, she loves sailing and in winter, skiing at least once. Has a veterinary degree.